Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Only Staten Island

Things at New Springville Little League have gone downhill since Papa Poop was coaching me and or Master Bates. I remember every year we practiced sliding before the season, and always feet first.

A woman from the Meiers Corners section of Staten Island is suing the New Springville Little League and two of the league's coaches over injuries that her son suffered while sliding into second base three years ago.

Jean Gonzalez alleges that her son Martin, who was 12 at the time, was not properly taught how to slide, resulting in injuries when he slid into second after trying to stretch a single into a double in a league game.

According to court papers, Martin suffered "serious" bodily injuries which required surgery, however no specifics were laid out.

The suit was recently filed in state Supreme Court, St. George, and names as defendants the New Springville Little League; the boy's manager, Leigh Bernstein; Little League Baseball Incorporated and "John Doe," a fictitious name for the unidentified first-base coach. The amount of monetary damages sought is not specified.

The Gonzalez's allege the defendants "placed [Martin] at great risk of injury" by failing to properly teach him how to slide. They further contend the defendants did not keep the base paths "in good order and repair" and failed to warn the boy of their "dangerous condition."

I believe Nails once injured his hand during a game at New Springville Little League but I don't think he ever sued for being a dumbass.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Actually I was hurt twice at that evil third base and should have sued. The first time was sliding into third. I was pitching my first and only game of my life. After giving up a run in the first, I led off with a single, stole second, and then even though the pitcher had me picked off I stole third but got my foot caught under the bag when I came up...I destroyed two ligaments in my ankle. The second time amazingly came on a pickoff move to third...except I was the third baseman, after the runner slid in safe and while taking the ball out of my hand to throw back to the pitcher my left pinky got caught on an illegal metal spike of the runner and I cleanly tore the skin off my entire top half of my pinky.

  2. Memory may be fading on me but I'm almost positive I was working in the concession stand when Nails came in with a bloody finger. Sickening.

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    What's missing is bad ankle and all Nails still toughed it out and went to MSG with me for the famed game 4 of the 1990 playoffs vs the Celtics. EDDIE LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
