Thursday, May 31, 2007

A-Rod Cheats

But not on his wife this time.

He was involved in an unusual incident during Wednesday's game against the Blue Jays. In the 9th inning, after A-Rod got a big hit to extend the lead to 7-5. He was on first when Jorge Posada hit a high popup that should have been the third out. As he got near third baseman Howie Clark who was waiting to catch the ball, A-Rod shouted something. Clark moved out of the way, the ball dropped and the Yankees scored 3 more runs.

A-Rod said he yelled "hah," but Clark said he yelled "mine" and thought it was his teammate John McDonald, so he moved out of the way.

The Blue Jays called the move bush league. Johnny Damon said he didn't think it was allowed, and Joe Torre said "it's not like he said 'I got it.'"

A-Rod said the play happens to him at third base three or four times a week.

McDonald didn't think so and him and A-Rod had to be separated by the umpire.

This isn't the first time A-Rod was involved in a questionable play. Just last week in a hard slide at second base he was overzealous and shot an elbow into the midsection of Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia.

And in his most famous incident, in the playoffs, A-Rod tried to smack the ball out of the hand of Red Sox pitcher Bronson Arroyo.

I don't hate A-Rod, I actually think he's a great player and I enjoy having him to kick around. And I actually admire him for his efforts. The team is playing like shit and he's actually doing well, but he's still trying to do something to shake the Yankees out of it. Although these plays may seem a little cheap, he's not really trying to hurt anyone, so I think it's ok, and in fact should be encouraged.

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