Wednesday, May 09, 2007

You Can Win With Randy Winn

A few interesting notes about Giants outfielder Randy Winn, one of Pa Beers' favorite players.

1) This is pretty well known but Winn played basketball for two seasons at Santa Clara. He wasn't very good and hardly played but he was on the team that beat Arizona in the first round of the tournament and he roomed with and is still friends with Steve Nash.

2) His uncle is former Orioles outfielder Don Buford. In the 1969 World Series, Buford led off the game with a home run. According to Buddy Harrelson, as he rounded second base Buford said to him "you ain't seen nothing yet." Harrelson responded "first inning, first game, you ain't seen nothing yet either." As it turns out, Buddy was right. The Mets would lose that game but win the next four straight to win the World Series.

3) His cousin is former Mets outfielder Damon Buford. The Mets acquired Buford and Alex Ochoa for Bobby Bonilla.

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