Friday, June 08, 2007

Back to the Hoosegow

A tearful Paris Hilton was dragged from the courtroom and taken back to jail after the judge who sentenced her didn't but the Sheriff's Department excused that she was "reassigned" to house arrest because of "medical reasons." I'm not sure who's dick she sucked, or how much she paid to get out, but the judge says he is the one who decides the sentences. I don't feel bad for Paris, she probably needs to learn this lesson but at this point I think she is getting treated too harshly, and that people are trying to make a name for themselves in this case. According to most sources people with her same offense seldom serve any jail time at all. She'll be headed back to prison to finish her sentence, I think she's still going to do only the 23 days the judge reduced her too. But apparently in prison she had been crying all the time, was in severe depression and was released due to mental health reasons after two extensive visits with a psychologist. I hope she can toughen up and serve her time with dignity and grace like Martha Stewart.

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