Thursday, June 14, 2007


The future of the Poop has been put off. The laptop that temporarily revolutionized my life has died.
About a month after we got it, it stopped working. When I called HP for support they told me they only choice was to wipe the whole thing out and start over. While I took a few days to back up all the shit I had transferred to it, it started working better. At most it would need to be restarted once when we'd turn it on in the morning.
Then it started freezing, and freezing more frequently, until it just died.
After screaming at the Indians from HP support in Mumbai, who blamed it on me and the evil programs I downloaded, they agreed to take it in for service.
I know this couldn't possibly happen to every HP or they'd be out of business, but I really wish I had gotten a Dell.
Hopefully they can fix it, or give us a new one and I can start my life again. But in the meantime the Recap and my online poker habit are going to suffer greatly.


  1. Dude, 2 words.
    Apple MacBook

  2. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I've heard stories of pretty much every brand dying...even macs. It happens every once in a while. Sucks but true. Also, out of the 15 people or so that I know in the immediate NYC area, 2 of them have had Dell desktops die in one way or another. Luck of the draw homes.
