Tuesday, June 12, 2007


It wasn't quite like MTV Cribs, our baby doesn't need a Scarface poster, but we did buy Baby Poop a crib this weekend.

It's a Pali Mia crib, for those of you interested in that sort of thing

But the crib isn't the story, it's where we had to go to get it. We received a tip about a place with great prices on infant furniture. It was in Monsey, NY which is an area populated with very religious Jews. Almost exclusively. Because the store, and the whole town is run by Jews, we had to go on Sunday, they are closed Friday nights and Saturdays. And because our county is run by non-Jewish people, there is no shopping on Sunday, so this was an extra treat for us.

When you drive to Monsey, you pass through Tallman and everything still looks normal, then you hit Monsey and all you see are men in black hats and women in long skirts.

Mrs. Poop said "we're not in Kansas anymore."

Inside the store, we weren't the only ones who weren't dressed that way, it just seemed like it.

After reminding Mrs. Poop not to accidentally bump into any of the men, we looked around. The place was crammed with furniture but no signs, you couldn't figure out what anything was, it was a little confusing, so we tried to get some help. After 20 minutes of waiting while a little old lady shouted Hebrew into the phone, we finally got her to assist us.

She talked like The Concierge after seeing "Fiddler on the Roof" for the 100th time. You shouldn't know from it. Voxen vi a tzibele mit dem kopf in drerd.

We finally picked out our stuff, I think Mrs. Poop decided so quickly because she didn't want to have to go back there.

Mrs. Schwartz told us we're having a girl, but whatever it is "it should be a healthy baby" and told us about her daughter whose fifth and sixth kids were twins, and then we were on our way, back to our world.

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