Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Surprise! A False Rumor Sent Via E-Mail

In the course of two days the e-mail saying that Nikki Leotardo was in the diner and he killed the Sopranos and the boy scouts and a bunch of other people, spread like a rash.
Everyone believed it blindly. Only it wasn't true. The strange man who went to the bathroom was played by Paolo Colandrea, not an actor, he's a pizza parlor owner. He's never been in the Sopranos before.
While this one was a lot more believable than Bill Gates will pay you $240 to forward this e-mail, it has as much truth to it as all the rest of those e-mail forwards you get from Greco or Mama Poop.
Sorry, but I'll say it again. There is no secret ending to the Sopranos. It ends with Meadow walking through the door. There is nothing more. These are not real people, their lives do not go on once the TV show ends.

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