Thursday, July 05, 2007

1981 World Series of Poker

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:

Part V:

Part VI:

Part VII:

75 players enter this year, Curt Gowdy doing the announcing with the help of Bobby Baldwin in a Members Only jacket.
They skip early round action and go right to the final table, where they are making good use of the precursor to the hole cam, the on tape cam, I guess you could call it, but at least you know what the players have as the hand develops.
Bobby Baldwin takes another brutal beat. He makes top set (9s) on the flop and Perry Green goes all in with pocket queens and makes a set on the river.
They've been showing a lot of the final table once it got down to 4 but most of the action involved Perry Green. Finally Stu Ungar got involved as he went all in with pocket kings and Green called with A-Q. An ace came on the flop, but Ungar caught a third king on the turn to double up. Ungar at this point is 27 years old, but looks 18, and he won the 1980 Main Event, so he is here defending his title.
By the last hand Ungar had built a huge chip advantage, and got A-Q of hearts, versus 10-9 for Perry Green. The flop gave Green an up and down straight draw and four hearts for Ungar. Ungar put him all in and Ungar paired his queen on the river for his second straight WSOP Main Event title.
It was great to see Stu Ungar play, he made all the right moves, slow playing, being aggressive to come back from a short stack to win his second straight title.

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