Monday, July 30, 2007

Baby Poop Pool

Mrs. Poop and I went to see Baby Poop at 34 weeks and the kid is HUGE! 6 pounds! And not due until September 9th. I bring this up because it's time to guess the date and time of delivery and weight, length and gender of the baby.

So here's what you do: click on the banner below it will take you to this website where you can enter your name (doesn't have to be your real name) and then enter your guesses. If you want to register with the site you'll receive an e-mail when the baby is born and we enter the correct information.

Note: There is some information in the first paragraph that might help you extrapolate some of these answers (for instance, don't guess our baby is going to be 6 pounds and 2 ounces).

Note: Anyone who wants to put their money where their mouth is can give me $5 and I'll keep track and send the money to the winner. If the winner on the website doesn't choose to participate in the for-profit portion of this contest the highest point total among those who did will win the money.

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