Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How Not To Get Out of Jury Duty

I enjoyed my jury service and I think it's a greater civic duty than voting, but not everyone agrees with me.
Most people try to come up with some way to get out of it.

But Daniel Ellis went a little too far.

"On a questionnaire that all potential jurors fill out, Ellis wrote that he didn't like homosexuals and blacks. He then echoed those sentiments in an interview with Judge Nickerson.
"You say on your form that you're not a fan of homosexuals," Nickerson said.
"That I'm a racist," Ellis interrupted.
"I'm frequently found to be a liar, too. I can't really help it," Ellis added.
"I'm sorry?" Nickerson said.
"I said I'm frequently found to be a liar," Ellis replied.
"So, are you lying to me now?" Nickerson asked.
"Well, I don't know. I might be," was the response.
Ellis then admitted he really didn't want to serve on a jury.
"I have the distinct impression that you're intentionally trying to avoid jury service," Nickerson said.
"That's true," Ellis answered.
Nickerson ordered Ellis taken into custody. He was released later Monday morning.
Ellis could face perjury and other charges."


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Ha, I pretty much told K to say the exact same thing since she just got a notice. Not so much cuz I dont want her to do her civic duty, more cuz I think it would have interfered with wedding/honeymoon crap.

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    How in the world could they possibly prove that he perjured himself? Are they going to search for photos of him with blacks people where he is smiling? Is someone going to testify to him marching in the gay pride parade. At most they could find him in contempt of court. Prosecutors are too overzealous

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The meant the court could hold him in contempt of court.

  4. He admitted to being a liar and said he was lying right now.
