Monday, July 16, 2007

Knocked Up

I know we're a little late, especially in our current situation to have waited six weeks to see "Knocked Up" after it was reviewed by both Dereks (Georgia and Pizza Parlor), but Mrs. Poop and I finally found the time to go.
A new theater opened up near us so we went to the matinee and got in for only $8.50 each.
I really enjoyed the movie, thought it was much funnier than 40-year Old Virgin because the humor was based on truth instead of ridiculousness.
I will never be a person who thinks screaming out "Kelly Clarkson during a chest wax" is funnier than the awesome faces Seth Rogen was making while sitting in the gynecologist's office waiting room. But maybe it's because I've made those same faces myself.

knocked up

If you've never had sex with a pregnant woman (or while pregnant) you might not understand why that scene was so damn funny and so damn true.
Any father to be could have told him how important it is (to the mother) that he reads the baby books.
There were a lot of funny parts, some of it awkward comedy bases on the douchebag friends (only Marshall was any good) but there were also some lulls, such as the stupid shroom trip in Vegas, which was only saved by Stormy's ginormous boobies.

Overall, I can see why some teens may not like the movie but if you've walked a mile in those shoes you probably will find the movie very funny, and a little too realistic.

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