Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Paul's Poker Story

I finished 3rd in a $1 SnG last night.
I feel like I really played well, was patient, made one or two loose calls, but for the most part I sat back and waited then moved aggressively when I felt I had it.
On a board of K-Q-J-10 I went all in (I did have an ace), hoping the overbet would encourage someone with a 9 or two pair to call me.
It didn't work but I think it threw players off to my style of play.
I tripled up with a Qh-8h. The flop was 7h-8c-5h, so I pushed all in and got two callers. I made two pair on the turn and caught my flush on the river. One player made an obnoxious comment but the rest of the table came to my defense.
Later I saw a flop with pocket 3s but called a minimum raise on a flop of 3 overcards (normally I'll fold). I made a set on the turn and a fullhouse on the river. Didn't get paid too much on that one though.
My biggest hand came at the final table when I was 6th with 6 remaining. I tripled up with pocket kings. When it was down to 3 I was shortest but still had plenty of chips. I got dealt pocket 10s, raised, the went all-in after a reraise. My opponent had A-10 but caught an ace on the flop to knock me out.

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