Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Will Smith Doesn't Have To Curse on His Shirts

A-Rod's wife, Cynthia Rodriguez, showed up at Sunday's Yankees game wearing a tank top with the words "Fuck You" in fancy lettering on the back.
This upset some Yankee fans, who surprisingly had never heard those cursewords before at Yankee Stadium. Even more suprisingly, Yankees fans know how to read. Whatever the case, some people complained to stadium security who did nothing about it, but someone photographed the shirt and it ended up on the back cover of the New York Post. I guess Cynthia was competing for back covers with A-Rod's mistress.
While I have always steadfastly defended cursing (there is no reason why certain words should be "bad words," all words are wonderful), in this case I just don't understand why she thought it was a good idea to wear that shirt to a game with 50,000 people. Among those in the crowd was her own 2-year old daughter, who is obviously too young to read the shirt, but still. Also she was seated in the Yankees family section, and she should be respectful of other parents who might not want their kids to see or hear that kind of language. It really doesn't make any sense as anything other than a cry for attention.

Cynthia Rodriguez delivers a message to the New York media

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