Thursday, August 09, 2007

Why Youtube Is The Devil

Youtube is a great thing. But with all great things there is a downside. The downside of youtube, besides the hours Michael has wasted on it, is that people use it as an excuse to do stupid shit and then post it on youtube.

Remember when idiotic teenagers would jump out of their cars, while still in drive, and dance alongside as the car rolled down a hill, or into a dumpster? It was called ghostriding.

The new trend is called fire in the hole. You order a drink from the drive-thru then throw it in the face of the poor fast food employee while yelling "fire in the hole.

I believe Glenn Reinhardt started this trend except he yelled "eat a dick" before throwing the Moutain Dew.

Youtube is doing a good job policing this, taking down most of the clips right away. So good in fact that I had to embed a video from another site. Screw you youtube, you lost the publicity, but you get to keep the tag.


  1. this is absolutely hilarious!

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    It's too bad youtube wasn't around in the prime of Glenn's wild youth. GR circa 1996 would be all over that.
