Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fiddling While Rome Burns?

Or is he rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic?

Before Tuesday's game against the Nationals Willie Randolph held a meeting with the team. After the 9-8 loss Randolph said "This feels very normal to me, the way a playoff race should be. I think we're close to turning the corner. When we sip a little champagne later on, it'll be that much sweeter."

I think Willie sounds a little foolish saying this in the midst of a 5-game losing streak but no more foolish than he would be if he were throwing a child's temper tantrum and upsetting the buffet table. I do not know why the Mets are in this tailspin but I really don't believe they will break out of it if Willie yells at them. I'm more inclined to support Willie's approach that the team needs to relax and not try to do too much because several of the errors committed this week were clear examples of that.

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