Friday, September 28, 2007

Tell Us How You Really Feel

U.S. Coach Greg Ryan benched his starting goalie Hope Solo (daughter of Han) before the semifinal of the Women's World Cup against Brazil, replacing her with veteran Brianna Scurry. After the U.S. lost 4-0, Solo ripped the decision.

Hope Solo has a MySpace page, and her last logon was September 27th, the day of the game.


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I just saw that clip on Mike and Mike this morning. What a bitch she is -- you don't rip your coach and teammate like that. What I don't understand is how she could be so convinced all the goals were the goalie's fault. What about all those defenders that got faked out of their shoes?

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    US couldnt score anyway so it didnt really matter, not like they lost 4-2

  3. She was 100% justified and I admire her moxie. If she were in the game everything would have been different. She wouldn't have had to face the same shots. Don't use that line of her quote to obscure the fact that for some arbitrary or perhaps personal reason, the coach made a ridiculous personnell move that very clearly backfired. The margin of defeat makes it even worse in her mind, because the insult becomes more glaring in light of Scurry's subpar performance.

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    it wasn't an arbitary reason...she never lost to brazil
