Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Whiny Jets

The New York Jets got their asses kicked by the Patriots on Sunday and now they are complaining that the Patriots stole their signals.

Big fuckin deal!

It's not like they broke into the meeting room through the air conditioning vent and eavesdropped on game plan meetings. They videotaped the Jets coaches. If they videotaped it, you could have seen it with your own eyes. I'm sorry, but nothing that happens in full view of a crowd of 60,000 people can be considered private. Why is there even a rule against this? I thought NFL teams gave plays names like "blue right red z out slant 42 britney sucks middle on 3" because they didn't want other teams to pick up on their systems.

And if that wasn't enough, Jets players and announcers and freaking out that fans cheered when Chad Pennington got hurt. First of all, it's not like he was seriously hurt. If he was laid out and fans cheered, that would be inappropriate. But this wasn't a permanent injury, and they weren't cheering that he got hurt, they were cheering that someone else was coming into the game. Since then every self-righteous sports talk host and reporter has taken a minute to get on their high horse about the deplorable behavior of Jets fans, even suggesting those fans should lose their season tickets.

Stop whining!


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    As a Jets fan I disagree with some of your statements. The fans started to cheer before Clemens was taking the field, which means they were cheering because Pennington was coming off it.

    The Jets make the playoffs anytime Pennington's on the field for the majority of the games. He has shown himself to be a gritty and tough competitor, working his way back from 2 rotator cuff tears without a ton of support from the team or fans.

    I think it was deplorable that the crowd reacted this way. We don't have anyone else ready to do any better so fan support should have been behind Chad, especially on the first game of the year coming off a playoff season. Obviously Clemens isn't ready to take this team to the playoffs, especially with the tough schedule the Jets have this season. It's got to fall to Chad. I hope they were cheering when he limped back on the field at the very least. By then I was bored and resigned to a loss so I had switched to Eagles/Packers.

  2. Shawn, despite the timing of it, the fans weren't cheering because Chad was in physical pain they were cheering because Chad was coming out and Clemens was coming in.

    And while I disagree with fans who cheered, it was an emotional reaction during a bad loss, not a crime against humanity as some people are making it out to be.

  3. Having been there, I can say the cheering was for Clemens coming into the game, and it was kind of pointless, because Pennington was the only one playing well.

    As for the cheating thing, the NFL has been dying to get Belichick for years for lying on injury reports and keeping network TV crews from getting the proper access to cover games. Mangini caught him redhanded, because he used the same kid for the same cheating when he was defensive coordinator for the Patriots!

    Bill Belichick is the Winona Ryder of sports. He's the millionaire who has everything, and yet he still gets caught shoplifting. What's the point? They are way better than the Jets anyway!

    There is a powerful rumor coming from some respected people that the Patriots are also intercepting radio signals from other teams and changing plays at the line of scrimmage.

    I believe this. I was watching our field level tape yesterday, and on almost every play, Brady is changing the call as he gets up to the line and sees the defense.

    I will have much more on this today after I get back from the stadium. Should be fun.

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    AMEN! The Jets played like my Giants defense did...Shit
