Thursday, October 18, 2007

Boeheim's Power Play

Syracuse University guaranteed that when Coach Jim Boeheim retires, whenever that is, Mike Hopkins will be his successor.
No time frame was given.
This deal doesn't seem to work out for anyone, except maybe Boeheim.
It doesn't work out for the University because it's not like they should be afraid to lose such a great young coaching talent. What if a great proven coach is available when Boeheim retires? SU has given it's word that it will hand the reins to Hopkins.
This does work out pretty well for Hopkins, he gets to coach at his alma mater, a top school in a top conference and never has to pay his dues in the Southland Conference. But with this open ended committment, he may be passing up the chance to be a head coach someplace else and prove himself. Also, I'm assuming that when he does take over it may be a down time for the program. If he takes over after a couple bad recruiting years, then has a few bad seasons, he might be set up for failure.
The only person in a no lose situation is Boeheim. He can keep coaching until whenever he wants then pass the team off to his hand picked successor. He looks like a hero, and there's no downside for him. But this is for everyone else involved, especially the fans.
All of that said I am acknowledging that this could work out. Hopefully this will soothe the fears of recruits who fear Boeheim will retire. At least they'll be some continuity. Maybe Boeheim leaves Hopkins with a great recruiting class and some new blood rejuvenates the program. I hope all that happens. But most of all I hope that when Hopkins takes over, whenever that is, he drops the 2-3 zone, not completely, but at least in the second half of games Syracuse is losing by 20.

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