Thursday, October 25, 2007

The NFL is Poop - Week 7

Best Team Ever
It's getting redundant but we could be witnessing history. I firmly believe that more likely than not the Patriots will go undefeated. They also will put together a season that will make them undeniably the best offense in the history of the NFL. They scored touchdowns on their first 5 possessions of the game. They were in a word, unstoppable.

Don't Forget About Us
The Colts are pretty good too. They are 6-0 also (Pats are actually 7-0). And they are the defending Super Bowl champions, something the Patriots are not. The dismantled a Jaguars team, in Jacksonville, that is probably better than anyone the Patriots have beaten so far. But I just don't get that same feeling from the Colts as I do from the Pats. But on November 4th they'll get their chance.

Don't Forget About Us Either
A popular question this season is "what's more likely, the Patriots going 16-0 or the Dolphins going 0-16?" The answer is choice C, the Rams going 0-16. They are absolutely terrible. They are supposed to be a good offensive team, but they've only scored 78 points, less than the half the Dolphins total. Steven Jackson is coming back this week but I don't think it's going to solve the problem. The best they can hope for is 2-14, but their best chance for one win comes against the Falcons on December 2nd.

Game of the Week
Tennessee Titans 38 Houston Texans 36
This game was an absolute blowout. After a fumble and an interception in relief, backup quarterback Sage Rosenfels spotted the Titans a 32-7 lead. Problem for the Titans, they couldn't punch it in and settled for 6 Rob Bironas field goals (to that point), and they made Sage Rosenfels angry. You wouldn't like Sage Rosenfels when he's angry. With 3 minutes left in the third quarter Rosenfels took over. He led a 70 yard touchdown drive, then a 98 yard touchdown drive before he was intercepted again with 4 minutes left. But the Titans couldn't get a first down and Sage got the ball back with 3:47 to go, trailing 35-22. 75 yards and 2 minutes 10 seconds later, the score was 35-29. The Texans recovered the onsides kick and after a beautiful 53 yard pass to Andra Davis the Texans had a 36-35 lead. But they left 57 seconds on the clock. That was enough time for Kerry Collins to hit Roydell Williams for 46 yards, setting up Rob Bironas' NFL record breaking 8th field goal, this one to win this crazy game.

Game of Next Week
Miami Dolphins vs. New York Giants
This game is being played in London, in Wembley Stadium. That should make this matchup quite interesting, but still a Giants blowout.

Cheerleader of the Week
Brooke of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders
Brooke has a dog named Doodle, not sure what breed. Her most prized possession is the love she has for her family. Her biggest accomplishment is anything that represents her family in a positive way. Her favorite book is the Bible. If Brooke were stranded on a desert island she would bring her mom, her iPod and her cell phone. I think the cell phone defeats the whole purpose of the desert island scenario.

Brief Rant About the Redskins
For the second straight week Coach Gibbs screwed up the end of game situation. This time he chose a passing play which was incomplete and gave the Cardinals an extra 30 seconds. Luckily for him the Cardinals missed a 2-point conversion and a long field goal attempt and the Redskins held on for a 21-19 victory. If Gibbs can pull of a win this week it would be the biggest miracle he's ever accomplished.

If the Super Bowl Were Played Today
New England Patriots 48 Dallas Cowboys 27
If the Redskins win this week they'll be in this space next week. But until one of these two teams loses (to someone other than each other), I'm sticking with them as the best two teams in their conferences.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    when the G-Men win on November 11th, they'll move to the front of the NFC
