Friday, October 12, 2007

The Whole World is Caught Up In It

Fat turd Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for making a movie full of lies and scaring people.
Just to be clear, I think there is such a thing as global warming. I think a lot of the things we are doing (factories, SUVs) make it worse.
But it's unclear how much of the global warming is caused by us, and how much of it is natural.
Remember, there used to be an Ice Age on Earth. The place where you are right now was covered in ice. We didn't have factories and SUVs contributing to that climate change.
Here's what I think Al Gore did. He took a problem, a problem he thinks is serious, but a problem that has no real answer. He wanted to get people's attention so in his movie he used only the most dire forecasts and analysis.
More importantly, how does he get a Nobel Peace Prize for this? What does any of this have to do with peace? In fact, his global warming push has probably caused more discord.

Al Gore is just worried that global warming will melt all his ice cream


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Come on Paul, you think the exponential rise in CO2 is natural?

    No one's saying the planet on its own can't have ridiculous climate change (and the ice age is a good example). The whole point behind Al Gore's movement is to make people aware that they can help reduce the problem through certain behaviors - not that they can end global warming entirely by avoiding SUV's.

  2. No, I said it's unclear how much of the rise is natural. Because I don't know the answer. Al Gore doesn't know either, so he just used the most dire research.
    Climate change is happening much faster this time, but we really can't be sure that previous changes in climate happened steadily over years, or if they happened over a shorter period of time...followed by a long period of no change.

  3. "unclear how much of the rise is natural" this blog really is poop!

    You're pathetic!

  4. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Paul: Respectfully disagree. As a student of the actual discover of ozone depletion, F. Sherwood Rowland at UC Irvine, he explained to me how it worked.

    Anyway, what really befuddles the mine is NO ONE POLITICIAN deserves a Nobel for doing what their supposed to be doing - campaigning on behalf of the public interest!!!

    Bogus award for an over-bloated ego.
