Saturday, November 03, 2007

John Elway, Drunk Asshole?

From the Rocky Mountain News:

Broncos Hall-of-Famer John Elway lost his thrill at Cherry Creek Grill.
There are conflicting versions of the story, but according to Elway, he and his girlfriend, Paige Green, along with pal Craig Andrisen arrived at the restaurant around 6 p.m. Wednesday and sat at the end of the bar. Throughout the course of the evening the threesome ordered drinks (the number is under dispute) and appetizers

Several hours later, when Elway attempted to order another glass of wine, he was told by the bartender that management was cutting him off. According to the former Broncos quarterback, he asked to speak to the manager.

"I asked her for her card to find out what her name was," Elway told me. "I said to her ‘If that’s your policy (to refuse him another drink), then that’s the way it is but I’m not coming back.’ We had been there for hours, and I appreciated them taking care of me, but we were just sitting there having a discussion. We weren’t even being loud."

Anne Wheeler, the manager on duty, claims that Elway was served seven glasses of wine (a number he disputes) and was cut off when he tried to order an eighth. For the record, Andrisen says Elway was refused a fourth — not eighth — glass of wine and was told that he had to order food if he wanted an additional drink.

"(Elway) got upset and was in my face a little bit," Wheeler said. "He stood up and towered over me and pointed his finger in my face. I apologized, and said I was sorry to hear that he would never come back."

Both Elway and Andrisen deny the alleged intimidation. "I did not stick my finger in the girl’s face or try and intimidate her," Elway said. "It was a matter of discussing things. I said ‘If that’s your policy that’s your policy, but I’m not coming back.’"

Personally I think Elway was angry because when he walked into the bar, the bartender said "why the long face?"


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Horse toothed fucker.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM


    Girlfriend? He got divorced? Interesting.

    Another disgruntled drunk on the horizon?

    Why - he won a freakin Super Bowl only after 15 chances.

  3. I'm not going to dignify the other two comments with a response. Instead, I will shed some light on restaurants drinking policy and what most likely happened here.

    Restaurant bartenders are told to seek a manager's permission after three drinks and serve no more than four without someone ordering a meal so if the eighth glass account is correct the restaurant would already have been negligent.

    Confrontations can occur because people over 150 pounds are rarely drunk at this point but restaurants are likely to be found liable for a drunk driving accident if they serve someone more than three drinks.

    The finger in the face is a "he said/she said" and while I'm sure there was some DYKWIA going on in the conversations after Elway was negged, the account of Elway getting beligerent after being refused an eighth glass seems to be a spin from the restaurant trying to save face from the backlash from the Bronco fans they rely on as guests.

    And of course, they've already lost me.

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM

    John Elway is a freakin God in this town. I've worked at bars here, and if a guy like Elway comes in, you serve him as many drinks as he wants.

  5. Why didn't he just stumble on down to his own damn restaurant? Its just blocks away! Hmmm.....

  6. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Direct Link to Amazing John Elway New video foootage:

  7. I don't like to pass judgment on people, but I have heard too many negative things about John Elway to discount allegations. I'm a big fan and I hope he gets help with his personal life if he needs it.

  8. Anonymous3:34 AM



  9. Elway's been an asshole all of his life. From the minute he left college and refused to play for the Colts and demanded they trade him. It was so fun watching him lose all of those Suoerbowls, just a shame he actually won any. Obnoxious prick.

  10. He didn't lose any Souerbowls dipshit!

  11. I have to assume this final comment is a troll. But just in case, you might want to check out Super Bowls XXI, XXII (a really good one) and XXIV.

  12. Go Broncos!!!..❤❤❤ Sunday all damnnnnn day!....feel the thunder all you HATERS!!!!

  13. Elway is a pos. Suck his dick you imbecilic sports fans.

  14. Anonymous9:55 PM

    He is a jerk always has been.
