Friday, November 30, 2007

My Trade Predictions

The Yankees will trade Phil Hughes, Melky Cabrera, Jose Tabata and one more minor league prospect to the Twins for John Santana. They would rather include Ian Kennedy instead of Hughes but they'll be too scared to lose him to the Red Sox. The Red Sox won't include Jacoby Ellsbury in a trade, which is a deal-breaker, but they'll keep pushing the action hoping to force the Yankees into overpaying.

The Mets will trade Lastings Milledge, Mike Pelfrey and Kevin Mulvey to the A's for Dan Haren. This would be another terrible deal. Haren is good, but he is no guarantee of anything. Unless he repeats his performance from last year he won't be a major upgrade over what the Mets have now. And I don't know how he'll be in the playoffs, so I wouldn't want to trade three top prospects for him.

1 comment:

  1. I have to concur with this prediction. The Red Sox are willingly being used to drive up the Yankees price as this is the New Steinbrenner's regime's opportunity to make a splash. The Red Sox rumors are all over the place and have gone from Lester, Fuck Holes, and Ellsbury (three major-league ready prospects) all the way down to Coco Crisp, Lester, and two Double-A prospects. Would think the Twins would be pushing for something in between if they were serious. Especially since trading ANOTHER Minnesota superstar to Boston would be a PR hit.
