Thursday, January 10, 2008

Movies Are an Inspiration to Us All

After I saw "The Natural" I wanted to get shot with a silver bullet and make a bat out of a tree.
After she saw "Mannequin" Mrs. Poop tried to get locked in a department store over night.
After he saw "Cool Runnings" Josh searched for Jamaican ancestors and tried to build a bobsled.
After seeing "Weekend at Bernie's" and presumably the sequel "Weekend at Bernie's 2," David Dalaia and James O'Hare wheeled their dead buddy Virgilio Cintron around Manhattan in a desk chair.
Their last stop was at the local Pay-O-Matic, a check-cashing store, where they tried to cash Cintron's Social Security check.
Witnesses said the two guys had to keep propping him up because he was flopping from side to side. If only they had tried playing music, that worked for Bernie.
When they left Cintron outside to cash the check a crowd formed around the body. A policeman saw the crowd and immediately figured out, he's not sleeping, he's dead.
Dalaia and O'Hare were arrested for check fraud because apparently there's no crime in wheeling a dead guy around the city. That's just fun. But when you try to defraud the government by fraudulently cashing his check, that's when the law has to take over.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I am actually in the process of closing the financing for the acquisition of Pay-o-Matic...and Paul Pfeiffer from The Wonder Years is the associate on the other side. Does that mean I'm famous by association?

  2. I really did try to build a bobsled. Horse and I did in his parent's garage. Never got it finished though. Also made swords after watching "First Knight". But I didn't lay down in the middle of the road after watching "The Program". That's just dumb.
