Thursday, January 10, 2008

That Line Never Works For Me Either

I normally never post scurrilous internet rumors because even though I don't try to pass this blog off as a bastion of journalist ethics I do have some standards. Plus there is so much good stuff that is true that I don't have to make up shit or post someone else's made up shit.
But every once in a while I find something too good to pass up.

Supposedly a reporter from Radar (palindrome!) was at a Manhattan bar and overheard this conversation between Adrian Grenier (who evidently thinks he is Vinny Chase) and some chick.

Adrian: Hi, what's your name?
Brunette: [Giggling. It is obvious she knows who he is; she is flattered that he has approached her] Elizabeth. What's yours?
Adrian: Adrian.
Brunette: Nice to meet you! And what do you do, Adrian?
Adrian: I make documentary films.
Brunette: Oh really?
Adrian: Yeah. And some other stuff on the side. What about you?
Brunette: I'm in fashion.
Adrian: That's cool. So how about we go home and I fuck the shit out of you?
Brunette: [Staring, somewhat flabbergasted] Excuse me? I don't really know you well enough to do that, I don't think.
Adrian: Well, let's get to know each other. Where are you from, Elizabeth?
Brunette: I'm from Houston, Texas.
Adrian: [Pauses. Warily.] Are you a Democrat or a Republican?
Brunette: Didn't anyone ever tell you it's impolite to talk about politics and religion at a party?
Adrian: Well who did you vote for in the last election?
Brunette: Not that it's any of your business, I voted for Bush.
Adrian: [Upon hearing the name Bush, Adrian works himself into a minor frenzy] Wow. I mean, how could you? Are you serious? Do you know what he's done to this country? I mean ... well, who are you voting for in this election?
Brunette: I haven't decided yet.
Adrian: Hmm. Well how about we go home and I fuck the shit out of you and we talk about it in the morning?
Brunette: No thanks.

I know some people will think this story is embarrassing to Grenier, but I don't. If you're a famous actor you can try this on ten girls and reasonably expect one to agree. So why would he waste time trying some other more mainstream approach when he can have 10 2 minutes conversations and achieve his goal of getting laid.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    He's kinda hot, so I probably would have went home with him after that first classy offer.
