Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Bowl Ads

Budweiser's Rocky Horse
This one had everything, cute animals, cool music, a movie homage and a fist (hoof? paw?) bump

Diet Pepsi Max What is Love?
Mrs. Poop was giggling throughout this one which earns it extra points in my book. Great use of an old gimmick that was gone long enough that we missed it. Plus plenty of stars, LL, Missy Elliot, Joe Buck and the dynamite drop in from Chris Kattan.

Coca-Cola Underdog vs. Stewie
Mrs. Poop loves Underdog so she was probably pissed to see him slumming with Stewie, but it was nice to see Charlie Brown get something good for once. Good grief!

FedEx Pigeons
The nonchalant way the guy says "let's switch to FedEx" at the end just kills me.

Gatorade Drinking Dog
It goes without saying why I love this ad

Victoria's Secret Adriana Lima
The message of this ad is that you should have sex. A sentiment I can agree with.

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