Thursday, February 14, 2008

Whom Should We Believe?

A few thoughts on the Brian McNamee - Roger Clemens showdown on Capitol Hill:

1) Most of the Congressmen were complete retards. I'm shocked that the Republicans (mostly) were so awestruck by Clemens that they attacked McNamee. Yes, McNamee lied in the past and had holes in his story but some of them didn't even question Clemens at all.

2) In most situations where you have two witnesses with completely opposite accounts, both of whom insist they are telling the truth, the best way to determine whose account is accurate, is to see whose report is corroborated by the other evidence. Andy Pettitte, Chuck Knoblauch and even Debbie Clemens to some extent corroborate what McNamee said.

3) There was too much talk about Clemens's ass. First, it was a report that Mike Stanton made fun of Clemens for bleeding through his pants after getting a shot in the ass, prompting McNamee to start carrying band-aids. Then there was the stuff about the abcess on his ass, which one Congressman took to an outside physician who said the mass was likely an abcess and unlikely to be from B-12.

4) But the key thing many people are focusing on is the nanny. The account of the party at Jose Canseco's house is the one area where everyone (McNamee, Clemens, Canseco and the nanny) all seem to have different recollections. But McNamee remembered that the nanny was wearing a peach bikini, which led me to think she was a young hot nanny. But then I found out she quit working for the Clemens family when she became a grandmother. Either way, the nanny is important because before turning her contact info over to the committee, Clemens and his team contacted her, leading the Congressmen to think that Clemens may have tampered with her, coercing her into altering her testimony.

5) Misremember actually is a word.

6) Don't tell anything to Andy Pettitte that you don't want his wife to know about. He tells her everything.


  1. This may seem like splitting hairs but its the kind of semantics you've been correcting me on for years.

    No Republican Senators questioned Clemens because there are no Republican Senators on the HOUSE Oversight Committee.

  2. Fair is fair, I mistakenly thought it was a Senate hearing. Good point Derek. I have corrected it.

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Derek - well done. Nice to see someone pulling a paul on paul

  4. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I feel bad for Rocket. McNamee whom he treated like family is lying, and his best friend Pettitte misremembered a conversation about Rocket taking HGH. Poor Roger!!

    I think you should post the audio of Susyn Waldman's call when Roger announced he was coming back last year. Classic radio

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    It appears that good grammar runs in your family. Congrats to you and Master Bates for using the word "whom" correctly.

    Mad props to y'all.

  6. Even worse for Clemens because the only thing he's guilty of is being too nice and too trusting. And he treated McNamee like a member of his family, as he's done with everyone he's ever met. He actually said that. I'd like to see Congress get a parade of witnesses to testify that they were treated poorly by Clemens and have him indicted on perjury charges based on that ridiculous assertion.

    Who vs. whom is not that tricky. Remembering the correct branch of our bicameral that's tough.
