Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What's Up jusTON's Ass?

Normally jusTON is credited with being one of the most easy-going, laid-back, positive Poopheads there is. But if you track his comments recently you will notice they are increasingly negative and at times downright hostile:

On Caulking Gun:
"'Cork Sucking' is still better."

On comparing "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" to porn:
"That movie is regarded as fucking fantastic by everyone who 'gets it'."

On some of the best rounds of boxing in history:
"I'll take MMA any day of the week over boxing."

On a volleyball clip that I posted especially for him:
"I thought that video was kinda gay."

On comparing Rufus to Uno:
"That's like saying 'what's better, $1, or $100?' Rufus is busted."


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Perhaps it's because the honeymoon is over! Literally. Marriage sucks the life and positivity right out of you.

    Well, except for you/Kate and Scat/Dana....of course.

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    You can insert many works for RZR's comment in place of Marriage- Knicks, Mets and Belichek's Injury Report are but a few

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I think the Caulking Gun thing is just an opinion. I can't think something is better than something else?

    The movie...maybe I was a little angry and caffeinated at the time, because it seemed like a "let me bait jusTON into posting something silly" move.

    V-ball...maybe I'm extra sensitive about it...because 90% of people think it's gay to start with (due to lack of knowledge)...so if I see a clip that's not hardcore, I get pissed that it's being passed as hardcore...cuz then people are like "oh, just what I thought...it's still gay" (No offense to any gay poopheads...i'm using it liberally, just cuz that's how I started this comment.)

    MMA - I'll stand by this one with zero apologies. If you watch a few MMA fights, you'll realize that it's not even possible to defend boxing. Basically, MMA has 100% of what boxing has...strategy and skillwise (in varying degrees of course, because boxing is not necessarily their primary skill), and then so much more. If you're as good as Roy Jones Jr., with no other forms of fighting, you will get whooped. Lets put it this way, the greatest MMA guy would be something like a 10 in boxing, a 10 in wrestling, and a 10 in jiu-jitsu (admittedly, this is very rare). If Roy Jones was a 15-0-0, he'd get killed, besides against a few guys who used poor strategy and tried to put their 10 against his 15. By the way...A mediocre MMA guy with a 6-6-6 would still win almost all of the time. A man hug and a trip to the ground is all it would take, then Roy is tapping out. It's just so much more versatile.

    Dogs...again, maybe I was harsh, but it IS opinion...and I think most peeps would agree with me.

    Is it a slow news day? Why you pickin on me?

  4. I enjoy giving jusTON a hard time. Most of his comments here were taken out of context to make him seem worse than he really is. And he's right about the Crouching Tiger thing, it was totally done to bait him.
