Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Racial Stereotypes Proven By Study

A University of Minnesota study of 10 cities has found that alcohol, especially malt liquor, is more widely available in poor, black neighborhoods.

The study found that poor neighborhoods with high concentrations of African-Americans had significantly greater than average numbers of liquor stores, 40-ounce bottles of malt liquor in coolers, and storefront ads promoting malt liquor.

"It wasn't overly surprising, as I think there's been anecdotal evidence to suggest that," said Rhonda Jones-Webb, the study's principal investigator. "We are one of the first to systematically document that."

Malt liquor is of particular concern, the university researchers said, because of its high alcohol content and the fact that its 40-ounce containers are sold cold for immediate consumption at a low price. The study found the average 40-ounce bottle cost just $1.87, less than a gallon of milk.

"It's cheaper than pot, cheaper than crack," said Horace Small, executive director of the Union of Minority Neighborhoods.

Small said malt liquor sales are a contributing factor to the myriad problems that impoverished communities face. "You're more prone to have a chip on your shoulder when you've got two bottles of that ... in you," he said.

This sure sounds a lot like what Furious was saying in Boyz N the Hood.

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