Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Song of the Week

"Woman" - Raheem DeVaughn
Someone left this CD on my desk at work for like 3 weeks and when I finally listened to it I realized I really liked two of the songs (this one and "Customer") but I had no idea who sang them.
I really like this guy, and not only because he was listed as the most famous alumnus of Coppin State in those pretournament rundowns of the most famous alums from every school.
This song is really cool because of its catchy chorus, which I'm going to teach you right now, it goes like this:

Woman woman woman Strong
Woman woman woman Grown
Woman woman woman Special
Woman woman woman Beautiful
Woman woman woman Strong
Woman woman woman Grown
Woman woman woman Special
Woman woman woman

I know it's not quite Supathug, but it's pretty close.

And fellas, tell me if this doesn't ring true:
"I appreciate your glow
And when you get angry with us the way that you let us know
And I think it's so cute when you get so emotional
You know till you prove your point you just can't let it go
But I like that though"

Ok, enough talk, you just want to see the video already, ok, here's the video but please notice the beauty in its simplicity, its fidelity to the lyrics and notice what happens when the girl opens her top about 55 seconds in. I think her boobies were in the briefcase in "Pulp Fiction"

Record Label Link

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