Friday, April 04, 2008

Why You Should Not Threaten To Blow Up Buildings

So our laptop came back from HP (very quick service by the way) and as you may remember, the reason we sent it to them for repair was because it would not turn on.
I thought the HP people had forgotten this because when I got it back, the slip said they had replaced the motherboard, but it still WOULD NOT TURN ON!!!!!
Now I generally pride myself on being slow to anger but I was absolutely furious.
And of course when I called up HP I got a guy who seemed to barely understand what I was saying.
I started by asking him if he knew why I sent the computer back.
No answer.
I said it wouldn't turn on.
No answer.
Did anyone check to see if it turned on before they sent it back to me?
It was about this time I may have threatened to go to HP headquarters and "burn the mother fucker down."
When the guy finally figured out what had happened and why I was so angry he instructed me to unplug the computer, disconnect the battery and hold down the power button for 30 seconds.
And Voila! The mother fucker turned on.
The tech support guy explained to me that somehow a static charge had built up in my computer and sent a strange signal to the videocard, which forced the videocard to not work, and the computer to not turn on.
He said we can avoid this by leaving the computer unplugged from the power supply when we are not using it.
I've never heard of this before in my life.
But sure enough, yesterday the computer wouldn't turn on and I instructed Mrs. Poop on how to fix the problem, and it worked.

Addendum: I felt so badly about the way I treated the tech support guy that I stayed on the line and spoke to his supervisor and said he should be commended for being the first helpful tech support person at HP.

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