Thursday, May 01, 2008

Frozen But Worth It

I went to my first Mets game of the year Tuesday night, and I probably will only get to 1, maybe 2 more this season.

It was nice to see CitiField and all the progress that was made during the offseason. It looks like a real stadium from the outside.

The Mets added a new team store outside the stadium on the third base side near the subway platform. It was overdue for them to have a nice big store outside as opposed to only the one at centerfield that was always so crowded. The merchandise was nice, the prices were not exorbitant, but unfortunately they didn't have anything I liked for Chase. They had better stuff for girls than for boys.

The only problem with this game was, it was freezing. It was so cold and so windy that I was shivering at one point. I actually even left my seat, which I never do because I thought I needed to walk around and that it would be warmer underneath. I tried to get a hot dog but only one stand was open and it had a huge line. I got back to my row just in time to see Reyes's triple.

Nothing better than watching Reyes leg out a triple.

A few sections over from where we were sitting, a beer vendor fell down the steps. He was hurt and stayed down for a while. He may have hit his head on one of those hard concrete steps. But more importantly, he spilled a lot of beer.

A few years ago the Daily News asked who was responsible for the Mets poor play. I wrote in (and got my letter published) that the Mets fans were to blame. Remember when Rey Ordonez said we were stupid? He was right. I booed Piazza because I hate him and I hated the brainwashing of Mets fans to believe that he was actually a good player. And even though I hate Delgado and Heilman I have never booed them. I yell "you suck" but the players don't hear that. At this game antsy Mets fans were booing everyone at every chance. They booed Santana after he gave up a home run, they booed Delgado when he got up (though he got mostly cheers) and they booed him when he made out. They booed Heilman loudly when he left the game with his tail between his legs. The only guy they didn't boo was Wagner, surprisingly.

Unfortunately for Papa Poop he drove a friend to the game and she was very uncomfortable and wanted to leave after the 9th inning. So like a good friend Papa Poop left, and like a good dad he gave me his jacket, I was only wearing a hooded sweatshirt (the weather report said 50 degrees). I probably couldn't have stayed 2 more innings without his jacket.

After the stadium cleared out when the Mets blew the game, I moved down the mezzanine and had pretty good seats, until Wright's game-winning hit. My view of the corner was obscured and I couldn't tell if the ball landed fair until the Mets players went nuts.

The good parts, I hit no traffic either way and got a prime parking spot under the overpass. Free!

I got to see Johan Santana pitch, and he did pretty well.

I got to see Shea one more time before they tear her down.


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    When we went to the Braves-Mets game it was chilly too. I'm going to the Phils-Padres game tonight (Wolf vs Eaton, yuck) and it will probably be very chilly too.

  2. Was that SheaStadium you went to? And they're building CitiField next door? I always thought it was Shea Stadium, with a space... and likewise it's Citi Field -- with a space?

    I wonder which is correct.

  3. Technically it is Citi Field with a space. I type CitiField because it seems more corporate. Like Citibank, CitiField is a unit of Citigroup.
