Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Evidently ESPN Classic Doesn't Think Much of Mike Piazza Either

I watched the ESPN Classic tribute to Mike Piazza and I wasn't surprised at the games they picked, but surprised that those games weren't much of a tribute to Piazza.

First there was July 8, 2000, the day Piazza got hit in the head.
Then there was Game 2 of the 2000 World Series, the day Piazza got a bat thrown at him.
And finally, September 21, 2001, easily Mike Piazza's finest moment as a Met.

I really believe that Piazza was never the same after the beaning. And he never hit Clemens as well afterwards, nor did the Mets as a team. Entering that game Clemens was 1-4 with a 9.10 ERA against the Mets. Then he pitched gems in both those outings that year after the beaning. And I think throwing the bat was another attempt to intimidate Piazza. Piazza did homer in that game, as part of the futile 5-run comeback in the 9th inning, but that happened after Clemens left.
In the post-9/11 game Piazza had two doubles in addition to his game-winning homer.

That aside, I just wanted to make what I hope will be my final point about Piazza's career. I never hated Piazza the person, I hated Piazza the player, but mostly because he was so overrated by Mets fans. And also his inability to hit in the clutch.

By the time Piazza came to the Mets he was diminished as a player and by the time 2002 rolled around he was barely even good anymore.

For instance, looking at his top 5 seasons by OPS, 3 were with the Dodgers, 1 was with the Mets, and the other was the split season when the Mets got him for the last 4 months.

Looking at his top 5 seasons by MVP vote (that measures his relative strength compared to the rest of the league's best players), 4 of his top finishes were with the Dodgers, the other was with the Mets.

Four of his top 6 RBI seasons were with the Dodgers.

For the record, he played 5 seasons with the Dodgers and 7 1/2 with the Mets.

And that's my major problem, he was great for the Dodgers, very good for the Mets for 2 1/2 seasons, pretty good for a couple, and terrible by the end.


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    what were his numbers with RISP as a Met? Or with RISP and 2 outs? The fact that he had better years with the Dodgers does not support your arguement he didn't hit in the clutch.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Plus the Dodgers never made it to the world series and despite a terrible outfield of Payton, Hamilton, and Agbayani he got the Mets there

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    You have always been a hater. You booed him when all he ever did was play his best all the time. You rooted for Rey fucking asshole Ordonez more than Piazza. You are so negative and a mush. I blame you more than I blame Willie for the Mets losing. Lets talk about Piazza's jersey retirement ceremony next year and his HOF induction speech in 4.

  4. Master, I looked at those stats and the numbers were inconclusive. Also you can hit a 3-run homer when you're down 9-1, and you can strike out with a man on first down 1 in the 9th.

    Nails, that was a well-reasoned thoughtful response.
