Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another Benefit of Facebook

Facebook has lots of pros and cons.

Pro: Slutty pics of slutty chicks
Con: They're very cautious about friending you, denying access to those slutty pics

Pro: You can see what everyone else is doing
Con: Everyone else can see what you're doing

Pro: Bubbletown
Con: It's addicting

Pro: All the groups you can join and games you can play
Con: The people who constantly send you suggestions of games to play, groups to join and people to friend. I don't want to be friends with that red-headed douchebag.

But the worst part might be that people you haven't seen for years can track you down and get in contact with you. But sometimes those people have something really cool to share.

For instance, this picture from JCC Camp from 1984 is a hidden gem posted by someone who had a whole bunch of JCC pictures.

See if you can identify not only The Poop, but The Concierge is in this picture as well. Take a guess, and I'll put the answer in the comments section.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Poop = 3rd from left standing

    Concierge = sitting in middle looking away from camera??

    weren't you friends with the fat kid on far right.

  2. The Master is right on all 3 counts.

  3. You guys are missing other people in this picture!!!

    Focks = holding sign on bottom row

    Jason Marquis = 2nd row, 2nd from right wearing red shorts.

  4. I assume its not the kid standing on the far left with the short red shorts and skin tight red tank top...

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I was able to pick out Paul and the Conch. Paul is unmistakeable and the Conch always has to do his own thing (looking away).

    Is the guy on the left in the top row the counselor who molested you?
