Sunday, August 03, 2008

Erin Andrews Dresses For Success

Erin Andrews is hot, we know this. So why does it keep coming up? Pardon my pun. Mike Nadel of a newspaper in Peoria, Illinois ran into Andrews in the Cubs clubhouse before a game and thought her presence and the reaction to it warranted a column.

"Erin Andrews, the ESPN “it” babe who clearly isn’t afraid to flaunt it, sauntered around the visiting clubhouse, flitting from one Cubs player to another. Her skimpy outfit — designed to accentuate her, um, positives — had players leering at her. Some made lewd comments under their breath. Others giggled like 12-year-olds. More on that later, as the scene was just one part of Bizarro Wednesday at Miller Park.

Moments later, the blonde reporter was chatting with Alfonso Soriano. At one point, she placed her hand suggestively on Soriano’s left biceps. Was I reading too much into all this? I don’t think so. I’ve been a paid observer for a long time ... and I wasn’t exactly the only one who noticed. As two Cubs stood near their lockers, one asked the other: “Hot? Or just attractive? Does she do anything for you?” The inquisitor then made eye contact with me as if saying — to use a term my uncle might have — “Hubba-hubba!”

This went on for at least an hour. Finally, Piniella emerged from his office, ready for his dugout media session. As he turned the corner, there was Andrews in all of her bare-legged, high-heeled, low-necklined glory. “Hey, hey, hey! Look at this!” Piniella said, loudly and excitedly. “Are you doing a baseball game today or a modeling assignment?”

Did she really feel playing the sexpot was necessary to practice journalism? She is good-looking enough and has enough of a high-profile job that she would get plenty of interviews and attention even if she showed up in a burlap sack."

A couple points about this before we move on to Erin's response and then the pictures (of Erin Andrews! yay!):

1) It does seem a little weird that she is now wearing dresses as opposed to more traditional female TV reporter attire like a pants-suit, but it is the summer and she's working outdoors.
2) Guys will be guys, it's not her fault guys want to ogle her. I guess the real judgment here is how much she courts this attention and how much she shuns it. I'd guess a little more courting than Andrews would have us believe.
3) The burlap sack remark is 100% accurate. The fact is, she's a gorgeous woman, even in that burlap sack she'd look great and guys would leer at her. It's not the dresses that demand the attention, it's the body in the dresses.

Erin felt strongly enough that her journalistic intergrity was being questioned so she fired back with a statement full of lies:

“These players are not into me like that. (Lie #1) If anything, I think these guys look at me like a little sister or one of the guys. (Lie #2) I don’t look at myself as a sex object. (Lie #3) I’ve never carried myself in that way. (Lie #4) I’m a girl that loves sports. I’m a tomboy. That’s the last thing on my mind when I’m in the clubhouse — worrying about players checking me out. I’m no dummy. I’m conscious that every day I have to prove myself. Being a woman, I thought at some point we were all past this. I’m not going to change. I can’t change. ESPN puts me on the best games not because of the way I look (lie #5), but because they trust me. The cool thing for me is that I trust ESPN with everything I have. I think that if I was conducting myself in a wrong manner, this would have been an issue a long time ago.”

It's true that she doesn't behave in an egregiously inappropriate way but she knows she's hot, everyone knows she's hot and she's happy to take advantage of that fact when it suits her needs.

I do feel badly that she has to deal with this constantly but there's a lot worse things to have to deal with.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    She dresses like a professional. Professional slut. How can anyone think that the top outfit is appropriate for work? ESPECIALLY when she's in the men's lockeroom of any professional franchise.

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Big fan of the yellow dress. She obviously is trying to attract a mate, her clock is ticking..tick tock tick tock
