Tuesday, August 05, 2008

TON's Kill List: Cynthia Good

We're unveiling a new feature here on the Poop called TON's Kill List. Previously it has existed only in his demented mind but I hope to make a regular feature here.
Take it away TON.

"Cynthia Good (the editor of "Pink magazine" based in Atlanta) wants "Men at Work" signs to be gender neutral and say things like "Workers Ahead". I don't have a problem with that. The problem is that it'll cost $1000 to repaint the signs. No big deal you say? Well she wants to take this idea nation-wide. So if it's $1000 for just Atlanta, I'll take a totally random stab at this, and say that'll be about $500,000-ish for the rest of the country.

Wouldn't that money be better spent elsewhere? Can't a whole crapload of starving African kids be fed for 20 cents a day? Actually, screw the kids...even if that $1000 bux per city was just used to plant a few more trees, it would be more beneficial than satisfying Cynthia Good.

Cynthia, if you want equality, the first step is to not give a crap about stupid, inconsequential things like this. Drive by, see the sign, bitch about it for a minute, and move on with your life. It's acts like yours that actually support thoughts about men being superior. While you're moaning and groaning about stuff that doesn't matter, most guys are out there ignoring a whole bunch of crap equally inconsequential, and moving on to more important things in life.

It's not like some woman's boss was driving to work, saw a sign that said "Men Working" and thought "Hell yeah, that's right...MEN!...screw Linda and her promotion." If anyone comes back with a stat about fewer women in high ranking positions; it's not because of any straight up gender bias, it's because of all the Cynthia Goods out there getting caught up on things that don't matter. Ignore the crap, move on. The national industry guidelines suggest gender-neutral road signs. Take that as comfort that somone else already bitched them onto the same page as you for new signs in the future.

Note: The 'Kill List' is used for fun. I have no plans to harm you, Cynthia. Please don't sue me. Also, to other women out there, I know many of you are superior to me, so don't take this seriously. But if you're Cynthia Good, please do take it seriosuly, because you're on TON's Kill List.


  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    excellent new feature.

    Note to self - don't piss off Ton

  2. Anonymous3:34 PM

    who the hell is "Ton"?

  3. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Anonymous sounds like a Cynthia Good informant. If you must know "Ton" is an omnipresent spiritual force that, among other things, transcends the earth's crust and liquid hot magna to once again burst through the eastern crust to greet the Thomas the Tank manufactureres in China for the purpose of seeking retribution for their attempts to poison children by praying on their weakness for putting toy trains in their mouth. What does "Ton" mean to you?

  4. Quite obviously TON is a psychopathic killer and I'm afraid you've pissed him off "anonymous" by questioning his existence and his credentials.
    So take these words home and think them through, or the next post he writes might be about you.

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Who is the "concierge"?

  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    uh-oh. I think anonymous just made the Concierge's kill list
