Thursday, August 28, 2008

Worst Sex They Ever Had

A British couple accused of having sex on a beach in Dubai face up to 6 years in prison.
Not only did they have sex in public, they did it without being married -- to each other -- which is also a crime.
The third charge against them is for drinking alcohol.
They could get the sentenced stayed if they get married, but the guy is already married to someone else.
Michelle Palmer and Vince Acors apologized for drinking, but insist they were not having sex.
But the cop who arrested them said "Her shirt was off and she was sitting on him and their voices were excited. They didn't even notice me standing there. He was kissing and playing with her chest. I shone my torch on them and said: 'Excuse me.' It was then they noticed me."
Sounds like they were fucking.

Michelle Palmer and Vince Acors -- the Dubai Sex on the Beach couple

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