Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Keep Coming Around Again

Did you ever notice how things or people you haven't thought about in years, suddenly pop up out of nowhere, then a couple days later you hear about them again?
For instance, this example about Bill Gates's mugshot.
Gates was arrested in New Mexico in 1977 for a traffic violation, and took this mugshot. I saw this probably 5 years ago and hadn't thought about it since.

Bill Gates's mugshot

But when I watched his absurd new commercial with Jerry Seinfeld, I noticed the picture on his Shoe Circus Clown Club card was the mugshot photo.

The next day I watched UFC 88 and after Rashad Evans knocked out Chuck Lidell, he was wearing a t-shirt with Bill Gates's mugshot on it.
Evans says the mugshot shirt is an inside joke between he and fellow members of team Jackson who train at a gym in Albuquerque, near the building where Gates and Paul Allen developed Microsoft.

Rashad Evans wears a Bill Gates mugshot t-shirt

What are the chances a random thing like that mugshot would pop into my life twice in two days?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I was watching the event, and noticed the shirt too. I was pretty sure it was bill gates, but I was also like "what the fuck?!"
