Thursday, September 11, 2008

One Giant Leap for Knowshon Moreno

Georgia running back Knowshon Moreno made one of the sickest plays you'll ever see, leaping over a defender while pretty much on the dead run.

But you won't see it on ESPN. ESPN never showed the play. Georgia says it's because ESPN has a pro-Florida bias. ESPN says the rightsholder to the game never sent the play on the highlight package. I actually believe that. I can't believe ESPN would purposely ignore a play like that. So I have to believe some idiot intern who was in charge of cutting the highlights to feed to ESPN via satellite failed to include this play, maybe thinking only scoring plays warranted inclusion. So I'd have to go with that, as much as I hate ESPN sometimes I just don't buy the bias angle.


  1. Except that it was on ABC NewsOne's highlight reel (because we used it) that is made available to all ABC affiliates, and something ESPN also has access to. I think they just didn't look hard enough on a lazy weekend.

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Go Gators.....screw the dogs

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    While athletic and a play that should be shown, it is not one of the sickest plays one will ever see. He hurdled a guy who was scrunching down to make a leg tackle. While I would have shown it, I can see someone cutting it. This is different than game significant plays like Endy Chavez's catch, which is one of the sickest plays you will ever not simply because of the athleticism but more particularly because of the timing of the play. Steve Smith's catch in the Superbowl. That time I KO'd two of your guys in Blades of Steel and destroyed you on the Double Power Play is right there also. ESPN biggest crime was tuning down Jim Rome
