Monday, September 15, 2008

Pick Your Dick

It amazes me in this day and age that people named Richard still choose to go by the moniker, Dick. And coupled with some unusual surnames, the following Dicks have had to answer to these interesting combinations their whole lives.

There's Dick Fuld (sort of pronounced like Fold), the disgraced CEO of the now defunct Lehman Brothers.
Dick Pole is a former major league pitcher and the current pitching coach for the Cincinnati Reds.
Dick Pound is a leading figure in the fight against doping in sports as the former head of the World Anti-Doping Association.
But no Dick has done more with less than former NASCAR driver Dick Trickle who became a celebrity when puerile SportsCenter anchors always gave his race results, no matter how poorly his finish, just so they could get the cheap laugh his name normally elicits.

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