Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Barbara West Did Not Go to Syracuse

Barbara West of WFTV in Orlando in furiated Joe Biden when she quoted Karl Marx and asked Biden how Obama's tax plan is not Marxist.

First of all, as a news anchor, West should have known better than to phrase her question that way. What she should have said was "critics say Obama's tax plan is similar to Marxism." That's one of the first rules of interviewing we learned at The Newhouse School.
But West didn't do that because she basically turned the entire interview into an attack, very unprofessional. But for once Biden acutally handled it well.


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Did you know that Biden is also a Syracuse Alumni???

  2. Yes I did. He went to Delaware for undergrad but graduated from Syracuse University's Law School in 1968.
