There are plenty of reasons to complain about the tenure of baseball commissioner Bud Selig, but his handling of Game 5 of the World Series is not one of them.
Selig took a very difficult circumstances and handled them the best way possible. And the media is still killing him for it.
If anything, on Monday night the game should have been called even sooner.
And I don't care if it wasn't on the books, of course no playoff game, let alone World Series game, let alone deciding game of a World Series, should be rain-shortened.
And if he did in fact make up that rule on the spot, good for him for letting common sense prevail.
And I couldn't care less if Joe Buck and Tim McCarver didn't know what was going on. They have their heads up their asses half the time anyway.
Sometimes shit happens, and you have to deal with it. Suspending the game when they did was absolutely the right thing to do, and postponing it all the way until Wednesday was also the correct move.
I actually think the delay built excitement and tension regarding the game. And the fact that it ended at 10 PM on the East Coast has me thinking that all playoff games should be played in two parts.
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