Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Must Be a Real Piece of Shit

I recently saw an episode of "Poker After Dark" where Clonie Gowen sucked out on Phil Laak, catching an ace on the river to beat his pocket sixes.
She said it's hard to beat the karma points she's accrued by being such a good person.
Phil Hellmuth threw his two cents in, "I feel like I'm a great person. Karma comes my way too. I'm a great person."
And Phil Laak defended himself "you don't think my life is good in spite of losing that hand?"
Mike Matusow sat quietly (a rarity for him) and listened, as the other three debated who among them is the better person and most deserving of the luck they get in poker.
Then, when Matusow could stand no more, he stated simply "then I must be a real piece of shit."

That's how I feel as a Mets fan this morning. Watching the Philadelphia Phillies win the World Series and seeing their fans celebrating in the streets, makes me sick to my stomach.
The fact that karma and the baseball Gods saw fit to reward this disgusting group of scoundrels, misanthropes and cretins before us, has to make all Mets fans reconsider how we behave.
Philadelphia fans boo Santa Claus, cheer injuries, pour beer on little kids and even threw mustard on the granddaughter of Rays manager Joe Maddon.
Yet, they're celebrating a World Series Championship this morning, and Mets fans are once again wallowing in disappointment.


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I'm disgusted by the Phillies winning too, but I think next to Phillie that New Yorker's are probably ranked next as worst fans. Doesn't take a NY fan long to boo, throw something, start a fight, get too drunk, etc etc. Fair weathered too as it's "what have you done for me lately?" This is evidenced by Mariano Rivera and Jeter receiving boos. Jose Reyes has gotten them. Golden boy David Wright will have his moment too.

    This is just the view from someone who lives upstate. The people in the city can be brutal, and although better than Phillie, aren't exactly model citizens in the way they treat their players/behave at sporting events. It's not just the media that keeps some free agents from wanting to come here.

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I could care less. Good for the Phillies. It's not like the Yankees won or anything.

