Monday, October 20, 2008

The Magic is Back

After a couple of subpar episodes to start the season "How I Met Your Mother" returned to its former glory with "Intervention."
The thing I love about this show is even when they do ridiculous stuff, it's written creatively and intelligently. The "Barney from the Future" gimmick was absolutely hysterical.
The writers just have a creative way of telling a story. This show is so much better at illustrating a point than any other show on TV. Their liberal use of flashbacks always keeps the show moving.
When explaining the hole in the wall, they made you believe it was Robin playing hockey, or Robin and Lilly fighting, but then we realized it was Barney fist that created the hole.

ya hoser

The series of interventions that followed (Marshall's hat, Lily's British accent, Robin's spray tanning, Barney's magic tricks) were hysterical but unfortunately it led to an emotional moment when they all told Ted they didn't want him to marry Stella.

I thoroughly enjoyed Robin's use of the word douchey. That's douchey, not doo-shay.

Of course the episode ended with a potentially weird twist, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here, because obviously the show needs the apartment and McLaren's. And Stella is not my mother.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I haven't been as down on this season as you have...but I'll agree, that they took it up a notch in quality with this episode.
