Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mrs. Poop's Least Favorite Song Ever

Mrs. Poop hates "Just Like a Pill" by Pink.
The reason: because of the line "I tried to call the nurse again but she's being a little bitch."

I've tried to dissuade Mrs. Poop from this stance several times but she continues to insist that she hates Pink because "she's mean to nurses."
When I say "maybe that nurse really was being a little bitch," Mrs. Poop says "that's because Pink was probably drug seeking."
When I try to tell her that the song is just fiction and there probably never was a nurse being a little bitch, she tells me that Pink shouldn't make up mean things.
And when I told her that there probably are nurses out there that are being little bitches she replies "you don't know how hard it is, all your patients are whiny and complaining and they keep ringing the bell, and you have all this charting to do and the doctors are being so obnoxious and you don't even have a chance to sit down or have something to eat. If the nurse was being a little bitch it's probably because she was having a bad day."

But recently Mrs. Poop has begun to warm up to that song, ever since hearing the version by Cascada (a European group that does dance version covers of popular songs).

Shows you the power of a good beat you can shake your ass to.

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