Thursday, October 16, 2008

So Does This Mean He Won't Be in the Mets Bullpen Next Season?

Mets relief pitcher and complete bust Ambiorix Burgos will spend the next three months in a Dominican jail. He is accused of running over and killing two women, after one of them would not go out with him.
He admits to being in the car that killed the two women but says he was in the back and his cousin was driving.
This jail term could cause him to miss a court date in New York next week. In that case he's accused of shoving his girlfriend to the ground.
But despite all that if he can throw a 97 mph fastball and not give up so many damn home runs, Mets fans would welcome him back with open arms.

why is this idiot wearing a White Sox hat?  We pay his salary, shouldn't he at least be escorted to prison in a Mets hat?

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