Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Song of the Week

"I Got a Man" - Positive K
A throwback to a simpler time in rap music where every song was either about great a social ill, or about nothing at all, like this one.
It's actually not as meaningless as the 1000th song from Jay-Z about how rich he is.
It's just a thoughtless little ditty about a guy trying to get the girl.
And it has so many great lines including "are you a chef, cuz you keep feeding my soup?"
But why did they get an old Jewish woman to voice the female lines? "I already told you, I got a man, bubbeleh."


  1. jleary10:21 PM

    Nice pick. The universe is at work again. I had this song in my head all day about 2 weeks ago for some reason, even for i havent heard it in more than 5 years probably

  2. Even more amazing in that this was the song that started the SOTW change from embedding videos. I could not find an embeddable version when I wanted to post this. And when I finally decided to do it this week, I looked at the date I started this post, it was October 15.
    Were you thinking about this song back then?
