Monday, October 06, 2008

Wait Til Next Year

My plan for improving the Mets in 2009:
1) The Mets do not need to break up the core. Few teams have a core equal to Reyes, Wright and Beltran, you don't split those guys up, you build around them.
2) Because they have 3 great players, 2 very young, the Mets should build a young group around them, with the hope of winning next year, but the goal of winning for the next 5 years.
3) Make Daniel Murphy field 1000 balls a day at second base. Murphy's ability to take pitches and work out walks makes him a very valuable 2-hitter. He'd be an above-average second baseman, but below average left fielder. I like Orlando Hudson just fine but he'll be 31 soon and is basically an .800 OPS player, decent, but not worth a big free agent contract.
4) Absolutely, positively, sign Oliver Perez, no matter the cost. It will probably cost 6-years, $90 million which seems like a lot, but is actually pretty reasonable when you consider the contracts other comparable pitchers have received. Perez is only 27, so after a 6 year deal he'll be 33, which makes him much more valuable than a guy who is already 33. Perez could reasonably just be entering his prime. Also consider than Dan Warthen did have an impact on his performance, and hope that will continue. And please don't get turned off by the dollar amount, it's not like shopping at a store, if you don't pay for this good young lefty, you don't get one, and have 3 question marks in your rotation.
5) Don't even consider resigning Pedro Martinez. One of the worst free agent deals in history, when they signed him 4 years ago. He had 1 great year and 3 useless to horrible ones. If they even have a discussion with his agent it would be too much. Moises Alou must go also, freeing up about $20 million in those two contracts alone.
6) Consider the big splash. There are three huge free agents available, all of whom would fit the Mets perfectly. CC Sabathia is not likely an option, rumor is he wants to go to the West Coast. Francisco Rodriguez is the most obvious fit based on need and the fact that a lot of other big spending teams already have reliable closers. But closers are always iffy. The best fit might actually be Manny Ramirez. He can hit under pressure and his lax attitude, while galling at times, may be exactly what this team needs to avoid folding under pressure again.
7) But the main need is fixing the bullpen. Although the temptation is just to get rid of everyone, you'd need to bring in 6 new guys. So I say get rid of three of them. Sanchez has never been the same since his injury. Heilman absolutely sucks, has always sucked, will always suck. And Luis Ayala is terrible too. I'd keep Joe Smith, that's pretty much a no-brainer, he's young, and by far the best of the bunch. I'd keep Feliciano because he's young and a lefty and was excellent in 2006 and 2007. And lastly, I'd hang on to Schoeneweis because he's a lefty and lefties are hard to come by. I think he can be effective situationally and he actually wasn't all that bad this year, other than a few blowups in key spots.

The point here is that the Mets have a great nucleus to build around. They can either continue building with good young players, or add old tired parts and see them get hurt or falter, and end up in this same position next year. I choose youth.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I would go after Orlando Hudson strong. He is a good tough player. I am not sold on Daniel Murphy.

    Schoenweis ABSOULUTELY needs to go. Ayala is not terrible, he's decent. I'd keep him.

  2. Just to clarify in case it seems I'm contradicting myself. I would make an exception to my young players rule for Manny Ramirez, because he is EXCEPTIONal.

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I have a completely different take Paul. I think Mets management has frustrations with Oliver Perez. He has Satan for an agent(Mr. Boras) so you might have to turn the page there. My plan would center around overwhelming CC Sabathia.


    1) With Martinez, Alou, and Perez coming off the books you have roughly $29 million to play with annually. Spend a large chunk of it on CC.

    2) Do not waste money on left field. We have a terrific offense already. It might not be clutch, but overall it's the teams biggest strength. With Beltran and Church fixated in 2 of the spots allow the kids to patrol left field next season. Between Murphy and Evans you'll get decent production. Don't forget you have Tatis and possibly even Fernanado Martinez in the wings.

    3) Sign Rodriguez to man the bullpen. After Wagner comes off the books next season that'll basically be a wash. I agree that Smith, and Feliciano should be kept. Fernando Martinez might need to be dealt for another outstanding bullpen arm.

    So in short, go with a rotation of:

    Johan, CC, Pelfrey, Maine, and either give Heilman a crack at the 5 spot or roll with Niese. The competition will be good for them. It can't get any worse with Heilman. If he has no value in trade at least give him a shot at doing what he's wanted to all these years. He's played the good soldier, and we really don't have much to lose there.

    Roll out a bullpen of KRod, Smith, Feliciano, and an unknown highly respectable arm via trade or free agency.

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    While I would love to see way do we get both CC and K-Rod.

  5. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I'd exercise the team option on Delgago for $8 million (plus $4 mill already guaranteed), and shop him for some serious bullpen help.

    I hate his attitude and can totally see him tanking next season. There's gotta be an AL team that'd give up quality young pitching for a pretty reasonably priced 1B/DH who can hit 35 plus homers.

    I'd also dump Luis Castillo at all costs (even eat his salary). He sucks beyond belief and I like Paul's idea of putting Dan Murphy at 2nd.

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Second Base--I agree with giving Murphy a try as they are in the instructional league, if they can teach him how to bunt he could be a good #2 hitter. ODog is OVerated and not worth the money best spent elsewhere. Re-sign Easley to spell Murphy against tough lefties. Shoot Castillo in the head.
    First Base-resign Delgado, for that price he was very solid this year and even solid defensively except for his lack of range.
    Left Field-Manny would be great, definitely entertain the idea. Otherwise we should go after Ibanez.
    Starters-CC would be a monster, much rather have him then OPP. I would throw money at CC and I would entertain Pedro for a low number or go with Niese. As a 5th starter, there is not a lot to lose. OPP is way too inconsistent, you never know what you get with him.
    Relievers-Sanchez and Heilman both must go---totally agree with The Poop. They should trade Schoenweiss and keep JSmith, Ayala and use Feliciano as the situational guy. They should go after Fuentes, K-Rod is overated and closers are rarely worth the money.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I hear there is a possible Castillo for Eric Byrnes trade in works. Byrnes has 2 years $22 mil and Castillo 3/18 left on their contracts

  8. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Eric Byrnes is a media whore. He'd love it here!
