Friday, October 17, 2008

The Worst Kind of Fan in the World

As a true sports fan who lives and dies with his teams (mostly dies), I've always felt my karmic retribution will come when one of my teams finally wins.
Because of all the suffering I've gone through I know I'll appreciate a victory much more than the casual fan who never watches the games and doesn't know the players.
Or the johnny-come-lately who changes his teams when he changes his address -- or underwear.
And that's why I never let those fairweather fans bother me too much.
But there is one type of fan I just cannot tolerate. The annoying woman in your office who happens to be from the same city as a good team.
She thinks this makes her an authority on the team even though she doesn't know the name of the single player except the one who she thinks has a nice ass or whose dick her girlfriend sucked.
And even worse, usually the day after claiming to be "such a huge fan" this bitch didn't watch and doesn't even know the score of the previous night's game.
The stupid bitch from the same city as a good team is the worst kind of fan in the world.


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Hypothetically-speaking, of course...

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Go Phillies!!
