Friday, November 14, 2008

Did They Forget We Have a Baby?

So I'm sleeping last night at about midnight and all of the sudden Diesel starts going nuts. I try to ignore him but this is not like him. Then the doorbell rings. I'm still 90% sleeping and I ask Mrs. Poop "did someone just ring the doorbell? Is it midnight?"
I answer the door and my neighbor is there asking me to dispose of a mousetrap. Apparently they (she lives alone with 2 teenage daughters, the oldest daughter is the one who actually came to the door) caught a mouse in a glue trap (which is incredibly inhumane to make the mouse suffer like that) and none of them wanted to touch the trap. So I go over there, grab the fuckin thing and toss it in a paper bag, still not sure why they felt it was ok to disturb me.
Then she asks if I'm going to work, I said no, she apologized.
When I came back home Chase and woken up, Mrs. Poop was rocking him.
But it never quite worked, he only slept til about 5.
I can see they saw the light was on and expected me to be awake.
But even so, if you're going to ring the bell and risk waking a sleeping 15-month old you better have a lot better reason than that.

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