Monday, November 03, 2008

Happy Poop Day

It was three years ago that I launched this blog (under a different name).
Since then I have posted more than 4,000 times about things going on in my life and the world.
At first it started because I would send Mrs. Poop e-mails about interesting stories, but so often I realized those stories would be of interest to others as well.
So I decided to start this blog to share my thoughts and stories with all of you in an easier format.
Initially I thought most of my close friends would read it occassionally, but the response has been overwhelmingly. Old friends, new friends, friends of friends, have all become devoted readers. People who I've only met once or twice are among the most committed.
According to the way Google tracks page impressions, The Poop has gotten 366,000 clicks in three years.
Recently traffic has been so good we've gotten at least 200 clicks everyday since mid-July. That may not sound like much but it puts The Poop in the upper echelon of personal blogs.
I recently cashed a check for $155 from all the advertising Poopheads have clicked on.
It's been a lot of hard work, and I would never want to guess at how many hours I've spent on it (I probably could have cured cancer if I'd used my time more productively), but I've had a lot of fun doing it and I hope to keep going for at least 3 more years.
And you guys keep the comments coming, I love reading them, and when I post something cute about Chase and no one says anything Mrs. Poop gets FURIOUS!


  1. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Whew!...for a second there brutha (bout half-way through the entry) i thought you were going to tell poopheads that you were planning on leaving while you were on top...

    Keep on poopin'kid...

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    To Juice...

    re: "i thought you were going to tell poopheads that you were planning on leaving while you were on top"

    That's what she said.

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Congrats homes. I'm glad it's worked out. It's basically part of my work routine. I refuse to do any work until I've Pooped myself.

  4. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Samezies. This blog is totally required reading every a.m.

  5. Keep up the good work old friend.


  6. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Congratulations. As much as you think I hate The Poop. I really do enjoy reading it.
